There is a disability income for the wives of veterans who served during wars offered by the Veterans Benefits Administration. This kind of benefit is a pension which is commonly known as the veterans aid and attendance pension benefit. For veterans younger than 65, they have to provide a proof of full disability for a pension benefit whereas those aged 65 and above do not have to. Read more about Senior Veterans Care Network.
Death pension, the one received by surviving spouses, is lesser amount but still based on the same rules for a living pension claim. In other words, in order that the spouse of a deceased veteran will receive a lesser amount of pension, the deceased must be eligible for pension or is receiving pension already, unless he is completely disable or over 65 years old. Also, it is required for the spouse to stay single so she can keep receiving the pension.
In case of a death claim, the claim must be submitted by the surviving spouse otherwise, the veteran should claim. On behalf of the veteran or his spouse, there are other people who can submit the claim like a duly appointed service organization, a VA approved agent, or a an employee of the local regional VA office. The veteran is required to sign a document that authorizes a power of attorney for someone to file a claim on behalf of him. A duly authorized guardian can complete the application in case the veteran cannot file it or he cannot sign a power of attorney for other authorized persons to file the claim. The spouse, parent, or a friend can also submit and complete the application for an incompetent veteran as long as that person shows a power of attorney authorizing him or her and will indicate that the veteran is incompetent for financial affairs.
The effective date of this pension begins on the day the VA receives an original application. The approval process can be upto three months or six months, it does not matter though because the day when the original application was received will always be the effective date.
The payment typically begins on the first day of the month after the month of the effective date. This means that if ever the approval process took six months, then a retroactive payment for five months will be made. The VA necessitates an automatic deposit of awards for savings or checking accounts.
If ever the veteran will die during the application before it was completed, the veteran will have accrued benefits. An accrued benefits payable arises once the regional office will realize that they have the relevant information to deem the application approved. Click for more info seniorveterans.care/HomeCare.
Read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veteran